The latest educational guide published by Freeman Technology covers “An Introduction to Powders”.
The booklet explains how and why powders behave the way they do, and how this impacts powder processing and characterisation.
It provides a valuable foundation for those with little prior knowledge of powders as well as being a useful resource for anyone looking to expand their understanding of the factors relevant to product development and processing performance.
Powders are ubiquitous throughout industry with applications ranging from food and cosmetics to pharmaceuticals and ceramics.
The booklet, written by Freeman Technology managing director Tim Freeman, focusses on how the three components of a powder – the particles, surrounding air and any moisture present - interact to define powder behaviour.
It also provides answers to the most frequently encountered powder processing issues throughout industry.
As well as detailing the mechanisms that define powder behaviour, the guide explores the importance of powder flowability across a range of industrial processes.
It explains the significance of operational conditions in the context of powder processing and highlights direct correlations between dynamic powder properties and process performance.
The booklet is now available to download free of charge via the Freeman Technology website at: