Dolomite has launched the Mitos Dropix Droplet Merging System to meet the needs of microfluidic applications that benefit from an advanced capability.
With the ability to combine pairs of droplets in a controlled manner, potential applications for the system include automated screening experiments (sample/screen pairing), dose-response testing (sample/diluent pairing to deliver to screen) concentration/stoichiometric testing (variation of mix ratio) and combinatorial chemistry (AnBn reagent pairings).
Mitos Dropix creates a droplet sequence and merges successive pairs of droplets using a microfluidic Droplet Pillar Merger Chip.
In this device, a droplet can be held inde?nitely in a trap until the next droplet in the sequence approaches. This feature allows for droplet fusion to occur, even if inter-droplet spacing does not remain constant.
Using proprietary technology, the system performs automated and reproducible generation of nanoliter droplets from volumes of 40nL to 175nL, with consistent smooth flow generated by the Mitos Duo XS-Pump.
The droplet merging process can be analysed by placing the Droplet Pillar Merger Chip on to the microscope stage provided, allowing image capture at speeds of over 1000fps via FireWire link to a desktop PC.
Fluorinated solvents can be used with the system, making it ideal for bio processes that require gas dissolution and also insert separation of chemistry.
The approach of sequential merging greatly reduces the technical complexity of the assay and presents possibilities of multiple detection schemes in-line.
The Mitos Dropix Droplet Merging System harnesses the complexity of such screening and simplifies it as a programmable flow-through process.