When it comes to high-throughput chromatography, the MicroLiter Plate Sampling System from Wheaton provides the right solution for your work flow.
The system is designed to provide high-throughput solutions that operate in the same way as standard chromatography vials.
Available as either ?Lmat or individual snap caps, MicroLiter’s mechanical closure system provides the septa or stopper solution required for even GC samples, while a variety of available inserts means a solution that fits into almost every work flow - making security a key feature of the MicroLiter system.
What is more, heating and cooling blocks with 96-well footprints can be used for dry-down and stabilisation of samples, providing superior well-to-well consistency.
Velcro straps hold a ?Lmat in place for pressure sensitive work flows. The ?Lmat Vise provides a secure seal of a ?Lmat to glass inserts.
Essentially, the MicroLiter Plate Sampling System combines the right microplates, glass inserts, ?Lmat and /or caps with chromatography-based septa to provide secure vessels for even the most volatile of samples.