Adept Scientific has added to its product portfolio another of the world's leading software tools for scientific and engineering computation.
Adept Scientific has added to its product portfolio another of the world's leading software tools for scientific and engineering computation.
Tecplot from Amtec Engineering Inc (Bellevue, Washington) is probably the most powerful tool available for visualizing and communicating the results of complex data manipulations.
It is used by industry, universities and government agencies the world over.
Tecplot is now available from Adept Scientific in the UK and Irish Republic, and Adept's award-winning technological infrastructure provides customers with the highest levels of service and support.
A powerful data plotting and manipulation tool for Windows PCs and UNIX workstations, giving cross-platform compatibility to facilitate workgroup collaboration and sharing of results, Tecplot is excellent for allowing you to make almost any kind of plot you want, make it look just right, and output it in a high-quality format.
It can transform massive amounts of data into a wide choice of X-Y, 2D and 3D plots, and offers elegant solutions for interactive data analysis and exploration, as well as custom application development.
It is used in a variety of engineering and scientific disciplines, including fluid dynamics, structural dynamics, experimental aerodynamics, stress analysis, performance mapping, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, heat transfer and electromagnetics - wherever there is a need to visualize complex data generated by numerical simulations. Tecplot's intuitive interface makes it easy to pan, zoom and rotate 3D objects, and to use light, colour and shading options bring an extra dimension of realism to presentations.
Users can explore surface and volumetric data, taking slices along X, Y or Z planes, or choosing an arbitrary cutting plane.
Vibrant contour plots can also be created with a few mouse clicks, and scatter plots and X-Y plots are easy to produce and manipulate.
Tecplot can create vectors and streamlines on 2D and 3D data.
It can handle both structured and unstructured grid in 2D and 3D: it supports curvilinear grids so that data integrity can be maintained without being interpolated to a rectangular mesh. Finite element meshes can be combined with structured meshes to ensure the precise representation of data.
Tecplot's animation tools let users add the dimensions of time and space to their plots.
With just a few mouse clicks, data can be animated by contour levels, time steps, planes, X-Y mappings and more, to create high-quality presentations and movies.
Tecplot includes a broad range of routines for data extraction and transformation. It's easy to extract points from a polyline, probe for details at a specific point, smooth data to reduce noise, shift cell-centred data, transform polar coordinates to rectangular, shift from 2D to 3D views, create and delete new zones and variables and much more.
Interpolation routines are available including kriging, inverse-distance and linear interpolation, additionally data can be manipulated as a function of mathematical equations.
There are several ways within Tecplot to automate repetitive tasks.
Plot templates can be saved and re-used with new data sets.
An interactive macro recorder allows you to record commands as you execute them, or write macros. Tecplot can run in batch mode for hands-free generation of multiple plots.
Tecplot also allows Web-based visual analysis. Results can be published in HTML, read and written to ftp and http sites, or saved in Amtec's easily transferable packaged layout format.
Web publishing with Tecplot is much more than just static images ? colleagues and co-workers can open plots and animations over the Web, add, edit and change data, and save updates in a variety of formats such as AVI, BMP and PNG.
A number of add-ons are also available for Tecplot users.
The CFD Analyzer provides the ability to calculate a variety of flow functions, perform integrations, generate time-dependent particle paths, and perform error analysis.
The Mesh Generator allows 2D structured, unstructured and even hybrid meshes to be created with Tecplot for numerical simulations.
Other add-ons are available for free download from