The use of these sachets guarantees a fresh solution every time and allows for quick, mess-free calibrations with minimal waste
You put in a new conductivity cell and you go to calibrate it. The calibration solutions on hand are out of date and they come in big bottles anyway.
Now there is a better and more productive way to handle the calibration of conductivity cells.
Amalgamated Instrument has conductivity calibration solutions available in convenient 25ml sachets.
The solutions are available in four conductivity levels - 84mS/cm, 147mS/cm, 1413mS/cm and 12,880mS/cm.
These four values allow calibration of a wide range of cells for a wide range of applications from high purity water to boiler feedwater and above.
The use of these sachets guarantees a fresh solution every time and allows for quick, mess-free calibrations with minimal waste.
The sachets can be easily taken into the field and minimise the risks of spillage and spoilage.
Each sachet has a conductivity/temperature variation table included to allow adjustment for calibration temperatures that differ from the standard (25C).
The sachets are available in boxes of ten sachets of each individual conductivity value.
These conductivity sachets join the sachets of pH calibration solution also available in from AIC.