Analytical Applications (AnaPlications) has become supplier for OI Analytical and its range of GC detectors, analysers, and instruments
By using multi-vendor solutions integrated into one system, AnaPlications offers a so-called One-Stop-Shop.
As OI Contract Partner, AnaPlications now also has versatile options for environmental and other sample analysis available for both single and tandem operation and for installation on Agilent GCs. Analytical Applications is already 'channel partner' of suppliers such as Gerstel, Agilent Technologies, Quantum Analytics, CDS Analytical, Pickering, and Wasson en Entech, and now offers additional solutions concerning sulphur detection, halogen detection, nitrogen detection, phosphorous detection, aromatics, and combinations of these.
The available detectors are the pulsed flame photometric detector (PFPD), halogen specific detector (XSD), electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD), photoionization detector (PID), and tandem detectors PID/XSD, PID/ELCD and PID/FID.
OI Analytical also sells the purge-and-trap sample concentrator, which traps and desorbs organic compounds for GC and GC/MS analysis.
Furthermore the S-Pro 3200 GC system is a turnkey solution for the analysis of volatile sulphur compounds in many types of process gas streams.