High accuracy with low cost, it can be used with both smart and passive probes and will have applications in may industries including processing, petrochem, food, and pharma
The ASL F200 precision digital thermometer combines, it is claimed, high accuracy with low cost and can be used with both smart and passive probes and will have applications in may industries including processing, petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical.
Accuracy is +/-0.01C over its full -200 to +962C range with a stability of <0.005C per year.
With calibrated probes the user can either store calibration date in the instrument's memory or in the probe's smart connector. Calibration data remains with the probe and this is recognised by the instrument.
The smart connectors use standard five-pin DIN interfaces so that both smart and passive probes can be used on the same input.
The F200 is easily calibrated against a single external reference resistance that has traceable calibration.
In addition the unit shows when recalibration is required.
A vacuum fluorescent display indicates in degrees C, F, or K or ohms and also shows the channel selected.
An RS232C interface is fitted.