Nominations are requested for a life science award for scientific excellence using mass spectrometry, organised by the German Society of Mass Spectrometry
The German Society of Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) requests nominations for a life science award for scientific excellence using mass spectrometry.
The award, donated by Applied Biosystems, Applera Deutschland, will honour scientific work from all areas of method development and applications of mass spectrometry within the life sciences.
A scientific jury, appointed by the board of the German Society of Mass Spectrometry, will select a winner.
The prize of €5000 will be awarded exclusively through nomination and will be presented at a special ceremony during the conference of the DGMS, spring 2003. In exceptional cases, the prize may be split between two scientists.
Nominations must be accompanied by an appropriate appraisal and mailed by 31 December 2002 to the chairman of the DGMS, Prof Dr J Grotemeyer, at
Any member of the DGMS can propose nominations, and self-nomination is not acceptable.