Variable speed cone and plate instrument offers extended ranges and rheometer capabilities opening up entirely new areas of high volume, high accuracy viscosity measurement
In addition to its established range of viscometers, rheometers, and accessories, the 2003 catalogue features two major new QC instruments - the Cap 2000+ viscometer and the YR-1 rheometer. The Cap 2000+ is an extension to the Cap cone and plate family, which offers the perfect way to measure product viscosity for QC and R and D applications.
While the Cap 1000+ is a single speed instrument ideal for providing a quick single point test, the Cap 2000+ is designed for R and D and detailed QC use.
Providing excellent standards of accuracy and repeatability, the Cap 2000+ is a variable speed instrument offering extended ranges and rheometer capabilities.
Its unique ability to operate at low shear speeds and shear rates opens up entirely new areas of high volume, high accuracy viscosity measurement.
This makes it ideal for personal care and pharmaceutical products as well as the more traditional high shear conditions found in the brushing, rolling or spraying of surface coatings.