It is a legal requirement that detectors are 'wipe tested' to detect radioactive contamination of the surface at intervals between one and three years depending on local regulations
Electron capture detectors contain a radioactive source and so are controlled by legislation.
Cambridge Scientific Instruments (CSI) is licensed to provide a range of services designed to help users of these devices remain within the law.
It is a legal requirement that detectors are 'wipe tested' to detect radioactive contamination of the surface at intervals between one and three years depending on local regulations.
CSI supply a convenient wipe test kit containing sufficient materials to test up to three detectors.
The test samples are then sent to CSI for analysis and report.
ECDs can be contaminated by 'dirty' samples and require cleaning.
Because of the radioactive source, it is a legal requirement that this is carried out by suitably qualified personnel in a registered laboratory.
CSI can clean, refurbish and performance test detectors from most leading GC manufacturers.
The fact that a detector is no longer used does not mean that it escapes the regulations and can be put in a cupboard and forgotten.
CSI will dispose of detectors that are no longer required safely, efficiently and above all legally, providing all the documentation required by the regulatory authorities.
CSI already provides these services to a number of European-based instrument suppliers as well as to GC users.