digital resources offer hazard classifications for health and environment, exposure information, and physical properties for many substances, and a set of pre-made customisable Safety Data Sheets
ChemHelp DB.
Information provided on this CD-Rom package offers quick and easy access to such things as hazard classifications for health as well as dangers to the environment, exposure information, physical properties for many substances found on, among others, the Chip 3 Approved Supply List (ASL).
A further facility in this package provides the user with information on UK and European Road Transport Classification and Labelling.
This facility is extremely valuable to all those involved in the work of dangerous goods consignment.
ChemHelp DB is currently available as a yearly subscription at £199.00 plus VAT.
An unregistered copy can be downloaded from the Environmental Science website (link above).
ChemHelp SDS.
Listening to industry, it would appear that many chemical product suppliers do not have in-house personnel with the expertise to write Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
ESL has, therefore, written SDS for some 600 chemical substances which are included on the EH40 list and have known exposures.
This information has been produced on CD-Rom. Companies are then able to personalise the SDS by adding their name, address, telephone number, etc.
along with their company logo.
This obviously facilitates an immense saving of time and energy.
It is the intention of ESL to add more SDS to the package on a six-monthly basis and eventually cover the ASL and ADR lists.
ChemHelp SDS also allows companies to view and print labelling information for supply and transport purposes.
ChemHelp SDS will become available from February 2003 at £995.00 plus VAT.