Jobin Yvon introduces the Triax 322 and 552 range of imaging spectrographs which feature a unique dual flat field exit ports system suitable for CCD and InGaAs array detectors
Two multichannel detectors from the Spectrum One family (CCD, ICCD, or IGA) can be mounted on the spectrograph at the same time.
This provides the user with the capability of spectroscopy from UV to NIR in the one instrument without the need to exchange detectors or to realign the optical experiment.
Both Triax 322 and 552 instruments hold many of the advantages of the Triax series including the use of a patented on-axis triple grating turret for the highest spectral performance and throughput while also sharing the wide range of interchangeable optical accessories from Jobin Yvon.
Complete software control of the Triax instruments and the SpectrumOne array detectors is available through one powerful spectroscopy software - SpectraMax for Windows.