A series of scientific articles contain information on experiments and results from research on purified water and the effects of water quality on different lab applications
Millipore R and D Notebooks are a series of scientific articles, written by the Millipore Lab Water division research and development team, containing information on experiments and results from research on the use of purified water and the effects of water quality on different laboratory applications. The R and D Notebook 7 (RD007) on trace ion chromatography examines the importance of using ultrapure water for ultratrace analysis and contains results from experiments monitoring the ionic content of water along a water purification chain, from tap feedwater to ultrapure water.
This paper demonstrates that anion and cation concentrations decreased from ppm levels in the tap water to ppt levels in the ultrapure water, using an Elix pretreatment system combined with a Milli-Q Element polishing system.