Just 30 minutes from culture to pure plasmid DNA, using unique silica-based membrane technology in the two-column format
The PureYield plasmid midiprep system from Promega delivers transfection-ready plasmid DNA directly from bacterial culture in just 30 minutes - which, the company says, is up to six times faster than other commercially available systems.
One of the most time-consuming steps in midipreps - post-elution alcohol precipitation - has been completely eliminated.
In addition, there is no need for high-speed centrifugation or to wait for elution from gravity-drip columns.
PureYield columns can be eluted using either low-speed spins or vacuum.
The key to the performance is the unique silica-based membrane technology used in the two-column format.
This approach allows application of up to 200ml of bacterial culture and, with a binding capacity of up to 400ug of DNA, it brings maxiprep protocols to the realm of a midiprep system.
Once eluted, plasmid DNA is suitable for direct use in eukaryotic cell transfection, in vitro transcription/translation and DNA sequencing applications.
The PureYield plasmid midiprep system is available in two pack sizes containing sufficient reagents for 25 and 100 preps respectively.