The system automates the steps from first strand cDNA synthesis to cRNA fragmentation, reducing hands-on time by processing up to 96 samples per run
By introducing the BioRobot gene expression system with the GeneChip target preparation specialist pack, Qiagen is offering a complete automated solution for standardised preparation of cRNA targets for Affymetrix GeneChip arrays.
The system automates the steps from first strand cDNA synthesis to cRNA fragmentation, reducing hands-on time.
The system processes up to 96 samples, in multiples of eight, per run.
Starting with 5ug total RNA per sample, the system generates cRNA targets with yields of at least 20ug and concentrations of at least 0.625ug/ul.
The cRNA targets are pure, with A260/A280 ratios greater than 1.8.
Immediate startup of the system and continued success is assured through the specialist pack, which includes installation and training, external hardware, operating software, accessories, and chemistries starter pack.
Certified software protocols supplied with the specialist pack allow easy system operation and reproducible processing of samples.
The system comprises a robotic workstation that is integrated via a robotic arm with external hardware required in the GeneChip target preparation process.
The entire system is operated through a computer installed with the Qiasoft 4.2 operating system and Clara scheduling software.