Four siRNAs targeting a gene of choice are designed, and are provided with a guarantee that at least two of the four will result in efficient knockdown to the researcher's satisfaction
Qiagen announces the launch of a new siRNA design service, HP Guaranteed siRNA.
Four siRNAs targeting a gene of choice are designed using the innovative HiPerformance algorithm licensed from Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and are provided with a guarantee that at least two of the four siRNAs will result in efficient knockdown to the researcher's satisfaction.
The HiPerformance algorithm used for design of HP Guaranteed siRNA differs from most other siRNA design algorithms in that it uses a neural network approach to design highly effective siRNA.
When four siRNAs are designed for a target gene, the gene-knockdown success rate exceeds 99%.
To avoid off-target effects, a proprietary homology analysis tool, that is much faster and more sensitive than traditional Blast searches, is used.
The homology analysis tool can effectively detect and eliminate homologous sequences that Blast searches may miss, and it therefore minimiss the potential for off-target effects in RNAi experiments.
In addition, the use of multiple functional siRNAs allows independent confirmation of phenotypic effects.
HP Guaranteed siRNA provides a powerful, flexible, and cost-efficient solution for RNAi in both basic research and high-throughput screening.
A wide range of modification options are available.
HP Guaranteed siRNA can be designed to match specific research needs, including design for any species, multiple species, specific splice variants, or particular mRNA regions.