Strawberrys may be thought of as an excellent aid to relaxation, but it seems that they can also experience stress - of a sort. RDP sensors helped analyse water stress in the fruit
How do you monitor water stress in a strawberry plant? This was one problem addressed by Adas, a consultancy and research organisation to the land-based industries, when it started on a project to measure the effects of growing environments on the flavour quality of a strawberry.
One of the key criteria was to measure, on a minute-to-minute basis, the changes in water status of a plant.
RDP had the solution with its SensaGap range of non-contacting position sensors.
SensaGap uses a capacitive measurement technique to measure small variations in the thickness of the strawberry runner, so there is no direct contact needed with the delicate fruit.
In addition, SensaGap can be used in harsh conditions, even in the strawberry fields of the West Midlands!