SyTech announces that XLReporter version 2.1 includes new functionality to address performance reporting in manufacturing and process applications
XLReporter enables the use of Microsoft Excel technology for automated reporting in the industrial marketplace.
Earlier versions focussed on the acquisition, formatting, and generation of reports.
This new release extends XLReporter with a real-time and persistent database, able to monitor field-based variables, generating new and valuable aggregate report information.
The initial offering includes three specific functions, profile, statistic, and difference, able to provide a thorough analysis of digital, analogue, and totalised source data.
This new functionality positions XLReporter as a cost effective tool for production efficiency reporting, batch reporting, equipment performance monitoring, and process reporting.
"This release clearly differentiates our product from any other reporting tool on the market." explains Peter Kaprielian, CTO of SyTech.
He adds, "all other solutions offer technology to simply acquire and format data.
Some perform rudimentary calculations for totalisation or averaging, etc.
None specifically address the unique requirements of the industrial automation space and their vertical market complexities to the extent of XLReporter." "We have successfully applied SyTech products to a variety of water and wastewater applications." states Kelly O'Day, director, utility management consulting for ICCS, the water and wastewater instruments and controls division of Woodard and Curran.
"This latest release will significantly increase the flexibility in the types of reports that can be generated and will reduce the application development time.
This is a win-win situation, creating better solutions for both our clients, and my application engineers.
We look forward to our continued success in using SyTech technology to address our client requirements."