World's first fluidised-bed poultry litter power station produces zero waste, and has flue gas emissions verified by analyser
The new Testo 350 emissions analyser has been chosen by operators Mitsui Babcock for use at Scotland's first biomass-to-energy plant.
Westfield Biomass Plant is the first in the world to use a fluidised bed combustion system to burn poultry litter and turn it into two useful products - electricity and fertiliser.
The plant has a net electricity output of 10MW and converts 115,000 tonnes/year of poultry litter into energy and ash for fertiliser, without producing any waste.
The Testo 350 is routinely used to check flue gas emissions which are typically less than half the limits set by SEPA.
"The low flue gas emissions prove the efficiency of this new combustion process," says the plant operations superintendent Dave Bowie.
"The portable and flexible nature of Testo 350 makes it an extremely useful tool for accurately recording emissions at various locations in the plant." Testo continues to lead the way in the development of portable emissions analysers and the recently launched 350 has already achieved success in major power generation applications, including combined cycle gas turbines, coal and oil fired power stations, nuclear power generation and metals processing.