Silica-based column opens up a range of new opportunities for the separations scientist looking to take advantage of better results and peak shapes
Temperature programmed liquid chromatography (TPLC) specialist Selerity Technologies introduces a new silica-based stationary phase that can withstand temperatures up to 200C.
The Blaze200 column opens up a range of new opportunities for the separations scientist looking to take advantage of better results and peak shapes.
This novel advancement in column technology means that most barriers preventing the use of extreme temperature in HPLC can now be overcome.
Although there are a variety of stationary phases such as polymeric and graphitic carbon materials that can be used at elevated temperatures, most HPLC chemists prefer the selectivity and higher efficiencies of silica-based columns.
Increasing temperature can drastically limit the column lifetime when the bonded phase is based on traditional chemistries.
Most silica-based HPLC columns can only be used to temperatures up to 60C and a pH range of 3-8.
Such columns have a propensity to degrade as water attacks the underlying support particles.
Selerity says Blaze200 overcomes these obstacles.
It consists of a new polydentate silica phase that is stable at extreme temperatures, with added pH stability.
The development of a new polycarbosilane bonding chemistry that is hydrolytically stable against breakdown in aqueous environments facilitates such analyses.
It integrates multiple point attachments to the silica with a high degree of cross-linking.
This combination creates a highly protective barrier over the silica backbone, protecting it from hydrolytic attack.
The column offers traditional C18 selectivity, while providing enhanced temperature stability for use up to 200C and pH conditions as high as 12.
Columns based on this chemistry are useful for both isothermal and programmed separations over wide ranges of temperature.