Experts on genomic techniques will present diverse perspectives on the available WGA technologies and how they are being leveraged
The editors of Genomics and Proteomics magazine have organised an expert panel of senior scientists from renowned organisations to participate in a live, interactive, web discussion.
Experts on genomic techniques will present diverse perspectives on the available WGA technologies and how they are being leveraged.
The need for high quality DNA for disease research is becoming more necessary and very expensive.
Many assays require large amounts of good-quality genomic DNA, and this can be a serious limiting factor if the sample amount available is limited or if DNA extraction from the sample is costly and time consuming.
Whole genome amplification (WGA) addresses this problem, and there are several methods already in existence, each more or less capable of generating an ample supply of DNA for analysis.
The available technologies vary by expense and ease of use, often leading to a dilemma for researchers.
Is whole genome amplification the answer? Viewers will have the opportunity to interact live with the panelists as part of the live question and answer session, and gain insight into the best practices for troubleshooting these issues.
This webcast will feature expert advice from researchers proficient in using this technique, a multi-faceted view on the use of whole genome amplification as an efficient solution and case studies highlighting application of this technique.
Attendance for this webcast is free.