Two new comprehensive database products designed for researchers and scientists in organic chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals
John Wiley and Sons has announced the launch of AntiBase 2005 and AmicBase 2005, two new comprehensive database products designed for researchers and scientists in organic chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
AntiBase 2005 is a database of 31,022 natural compounds from microorganisms and higher fungi.
The data in AntiBase 2005 have been collected from the primary and secondary literature and then carefully checked and validated.
Included in the database: descriptive data (molecular formula and mass, elemental composition, CAS registry number); physico-chemical data (melting point, optical rotation); spectroscopic data (UV, 13C-NMR, IR and mass spectra); biological data (pharmacological activity, toxicity); information on origin and isolation; and a summary of literature sources.
For those compounds where no measured spectra are available, the 2005 edition of AntiBase utilises predicted 13C-NMR spectra produced by SpecInfo, the spectrum prediction program.
Calculated high resolution molecular masses are also included in this new update.
Other features included in AntiBase 2005: structure and substructure search capabilities; drawing tools Isis/Draw and Chemdraw to draw structure or substructure queries; physical and biological data search; and a feature search that enables the natural product chemist to identify a given compound if it has already been isolated and stored in the database.
Edited by Hartmut Laatsch of the University of Gottingen, Germany, AntiBase 2005 updates previous editions of the database released in 2002 and 2003, and will be updated annually.
AntiBase 2005 is available in the following formats: Isis/Base and ChemFinder.