Temperature data loggers utilise state-of the-art technology to monitor pasteurisation and sterilisation temperatures during the process, in cans, bottles, jars or other containers
The TDL/DS Thermologger series of temperature data loggers utilise state-of the-art technology to monitor pasteurisation and sterilisation temperatures during the process, in cans, bottles, jars or other containers in tunnels up to 100C.
The system consists of the TDL thermologger, the WinPasteur software,the Smartcable and a selectable length probe.
A series of optional accessories enable the user to verify the accuracy of all measurements.
The Pasteurising Reporter provides a report that can be printed out in graphical or tabular format, plus calculating and reporting pasteurisation units (PU), Tmax, pasteurising time, and time above a preset temperature.
The recorded data can then be exported into other programs for further analysis if required.
TDL Thermologger Monitoring system:.
Accurate measurements for quality control purposes.
Fits into standard product cans.
Extremely easy to use: Insert the probe to start; detach the probe to stop; print the report.
No switches.
Visible working status indication.
Maintenance free.
Lifetime battery more than eight years depending on sampling rate.
Automatic battery level checking.
Software low battery level indicator.
Easy user replaceable battery.
Interchangeable temperature probes.
Accuracy can be verified by the user no need to send it back to the factory.
Calibration verification of each temperature probe.
Heading titles can be changed.
Up to seven years of process recording (with one channel and two hour of sampling rate).
Sampling rate from one second to two hours.
Easygraph software, very powerful and easy to apply.
Print reports with graphs or tables.
Units (PU, FO), Tmax, time, etc.
Archive data for further analysis.
Export the data into other programs such as spreadsheets, databases, word processors.
Change the units to/from C or F.
Change the cutoff temperature value.
Set alarms for out of range measurements.
Verify the accuracy of the recorder.
Compensate for long term temperature drift for each probe.
Change the calculation formula.
Change the calculation units.
Set the sampling rate.