MagnaSimB is designed to fit the Bio-Tek ELX405 Magna Washer, quickly attracting the magnetic beads located in a 96 well microplate and isolating the beads around the walls of the well
Simbiotix has created a magnetic plate that fits the Bio-Tek ELX405 Magna washer.
Using the same high performance magnetics from the MagnaSim96, the MagnaSim96B allows users to improve the magnetic washing performance of current wash protocols.
MagnaSimB is designed to fit the Bio-Tek ELX405 Magna Washer, quickly attracting the magnetic beads located in a 96 well microplate and isolating the beads around the walls of the well.
This allows for the washer to aspirate the liquid that is located in the centre of the well and leave the magnetic beads for further processing or discard.
The design of the magnetic plate allows for MagnaSimB to easily replace the factory unit provided with the Bio-Tek ELX405 Magna and allow users to take more advantage of the plate washer's capability.
Magnify the throughput of current magnetic bead based assay with the MagnaSimB and the Bio-Tek ELX405 Magna.
MagnaSimB, providing the flexibility needed when switching to and from manual and automated assays.