Wissenschaftliche Ger?tebau Herbert Knauer
Hegauer Weg 38
Wissenschaftliche Ger?tebau Herbert Knauer
Hegauer Weg 38
Latest Articles

Refractive index detector on show at Analytica 2016
Knauer | Added: 20 Apr 2016
At Analytica 2016, KNAUER will be introducing a newly developed refractive index (RI) detector with…

Advion expression CMS available from Knauer
Knauer | Added: 24 Apr 2013
The expression CMS is compatible with any of Knauer’s liquid chromatography systems.

Knauer unveils the HPLC AZURA system
Knauer | Added: 16 Apr 2013
Knauer’s preparative HPLC system claims to adapt to the changing demands of purification applicatio…

Alliance formed between TechniKrom and Knauer
Knauer | Added: 19 Apr 2007
TechniKrom will exclusively represent Knauer's larger preparative LC and SMB equipment in the USA, …

Alexander Bunz appointed as new managing director
Knauer | Added: 28 Nov 2006
Knauer reports that Alexander Bunz has been appointed to fill the position vacated by departing man…

Technology for the optimisation of SMB processes
Knauer | Added: 3 Jan 2006
Knauer recently signed an agreement with the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft for the exclusive distribution…