Following the success of its precision glass microspheres for calibrating 200mm diameter sieves, Whitehouse Scientific is to introduce a new set of single dose standards for 100mm and 40mm test sieves
Whitehouse Scientific will launch single shot calibration standards for small test sieves at Achema 2006 (15-19 May 2006; Munich).
The new standards can be used to calibrate mesh sizes from 20 to 3350 microns and are accurate down to 1 micron.
Unlike the ISO microscopic method of calibration (which requires ten different parameters to specify a sieve mesh and analyses less than 1% of the sieve surface), the microsphere method measures at least 80% of the surface and produces one unambiguous result, the equivalent spherical aperture.
This is effectively the cut point of the sieve and makes sieve matching very easy.
The test takes minutes to perform and sieves need not be returned to the manufacturer.
All measurements are traceable to Nist.