EnviroMech undertook the project with the view to handling as many of the tasks as possible, enabling British Textile Technology Group (BTTG) to concentrate on its business
British Textile Technology Group was formed during the 1980s from two globally renowned textile institutions; the Wool Industries Research Association (WIRA) established in 1918 and the Shirley Institute, this set up to support the cotton industry in 1919.
BTTG was restructured in 2003 in order to improve the focus of its numerous business units.
The company was based in Didsbury for almost 100 years.
However, due to changing markets it became necessary to restructure and consolidate the laboratories and office space.
BTTG provides Ukas accredited laboratory testing services on a worldwide scale.
This includes the chemical, biological and physical testing of materials.
It was vital that the relocation would create the very minimum of disruption to the day to day business operation.
EnviroMech was selected to project manage the relocation project.
One challenge was that BTTG needed the equity from the sale of their building to enable the project to be completed.
Demanding deadlines, strict budgeting and dedication from the project team were central to the success of this project.
EnviroMech undertook the project with the view to handling as many of the tasks as possible, enabling BTTG to concentrate on its business.
Involvement from the early stages of the project enabled it to advise BTTG on the suitability of a selection of available new buildings.
Considerations included planning issues, assessment of existing utilities and preliminary layout drawings to establish suitability.
Once suitable buildings were obtained, EnviroMech undertook a full study to improve work flow and improve space utilisation.
It also carried out the design and installation of all mechanical and electrical services to satisfy BTTG's requirements.
The services requirements included fume cupboards, air conditioning, gases, compressed air, water, drainage, ventilation, provision of controlled environments, upgrade of incoming electrical power supply, data, ISDN and upgrade and relocation of an existing telephone system.
It also undertook the refurbishment of existing laboratory furniture and the supply of new furniture.
Responsibilities included full cost control and contractor management, enabling BTTG to reduce to a minimum their project administration and so concentrate on running their business.
The financial benefit to BTTG was fantastic, says Enviromech - the open relationship with the client allowed a quality project to be completed on time and within budget.