Integrating spectrophotometer with research grade microscope, it can acquire transmission, reflectance, polarization anisotropy and even fluorescence microspectra of sample areas as small as a micron
Craic Technologies has released the new QDI 2010 microspectrophotometer.
This new system represents a major step forward in the field of microspectroscopy due to advances in the QDI 2010's design.
The QDI 2010 integrates a UV-visible-NIR spectrophotometer with a research grade UV-visible-NIR microscope.
The system can acquire transmission, reflectance, polarization anisotropy and even fluorescence microspectra of sample areas as small as a micron.
"The QDI 2010 was developed in response to customer needs for cutting edge performance".
"Many of our customers want to be able to measure deeper into the UV or further into the near IR regions with higher spectral resolutions and improved sensitivity".
"The QDI 2010 is designed to meet and exceed those requirements with a robust and durable instrument" says Paul Martin, president.
"With such features as TE cooled CCD detectors and advanced digital imaging, this instrument is able to be used for not only scientific research but for industrial quality control in fields such semiconductor and flat panel displays." The QDI 2010 uses range from purely scientific research to industrial applications to quality control.
For example, the QDI 2010 is equally at home monitoring colour or film thickness in flat panel displays as it is researching the properties of optical semiconductors or surface Plasmon resonance particles, monitoring protein crystals or quantum dots or analyzing textile fibres or paint chips from a crime scene.
Absorbance, transmission, reflectance, polarization and fluorescence spectra can be acquired with no sample contact and non-destructively for samples as small as a micron.