Sorbus Analytical is the synergy of three successful companies which operate in the analytical instrument market: SpectralWorks, Mass Spec Service Solutions, and MS Horizons
Sorbus Analytical's mission is to provide its customers with high quality adaptable solutions which satisfy all of their organic spectrometry requirements.
Its expertise covers tailor made support and maintenance contracts, reconditioned instrument and part sales, leading edge upgrades and enhancements, and off the shelf and bespoke software and consultancy.
Howard Inchbold-Stevens, Sorbus Analytical managing director, brings over 20 years of sales and marketing experience to the joint venture.
"The formation of Sorbus Analytical allows us to provide laboratories with the type of solutions they can really benefit from" says Inchbold-Stevens.
"Our knowledge and resources cover the main manufacturers of mass spectrometers in the organic market.
"This means we can provide a more cost effective solution as well as helping to reduce downtime by improving the efficiency and level of the service".
John Moncur, marketing director of SpectralWorks, says: "We are looking forward to a truly synergistic sales channel for each of the holding companies which will highlight opportunities that we might otherwise have missed or come across at a much later stage in the sales process.
"This will help the customer get what they need when they need it".