The M-850 Hexapod is driven by six high-resolution actuators all connected directly to the same moving platform; the principle is similar to that in flight simulators, but considerably more precise
PI (Physik Instrumente), a manufacturer of nanopositioning and precision motion-control equipment for optics, nanotechnology, photonics, semiconductor and life science applications, has designed a unique high-load hexapod for astronomy applications and other alignment tasks.
The high-load Hexapod combines extremely high precision with a load capacity of up to 1000kg.
It provides minimum incremental motion to 0.8um and 1urad, respectively.
The six individual actuators have a design resolution of 0.08um and a stiffness of 40N/um.
Features: 1000kg load capacity (vertical), six degrees of freedom, works in any orientation, no moving cables for improved reliability and precision, repeatability to 0.5um, actuator resolution 0.008um, vacuum-compatible versions, linear and rotary multi-axis scans, virtualised center of rotation (pivot point), sophisticated controller using vector algorithms, heavy-duty, ultra-high-resolution bearings for 24/7 applications.
Hexapod working principle and advantages.
The M-850 Hexapod is driven by six high-resolution actuators all connected directly to the same moving platform.
The principle is similar to that seen in flight simulators, but considerably more precise.
In place of the hydraulic actuators used there, the M-850 uses custom high-load precision screws and servo-motors.
It can withstand loads of 1000kg vertically, and at least 180kg in any direction.
Typical applications: alignment and tracking of optics, electron beams; fine positioning of active secondary mirror platforms in astronomical telescopes.