Bruker Daltonics introduces high performance compact vertical Maldi-Tof/Tof mass spectrometer at 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Prague
At the 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bruker Daltonics announced its new Autoflex III Smartbeam vertical Maldi-Tof or Tof/Tof mass spectrometer.
Mass resolution and accuracy, sensitivity, analytical versatility and reliability have all been further enhanced in the new Autoflex III Smartbeam instruments for optimum performance in expression proteomics, quantitative proteomics, as well as in peptide/protein biomarker discovery, identification and validation.
Based on Bruker Daltonics's unique and proprietary Smartbeam laser technology, the novel Autoflex III series is particularly well suited for Maldi molecular imaging applications in in-vitro imaging of peptide and protein biomarker distributions in tissue sections, eg in tumour regions.
The smartbeam laser allows variable repetition rates from 1Hz up to 200Hz, with a computer-controlled, adjustable laser focus size and unrivalled spatial resolution.
In addition to a four-fold sensitivity increase compared to the previous Autoflex II, the latest Autoflex III offers major advances in mass resolution over a broad mass range, using panoramic Pan technology, the same technology used in Bruker Daltonics's top-of-the-line Ultraflex Tof/Tof series.
Mass spectra with the simultaneous highest resolution over an extended mass range greatly increase success rates in protein database identifications, without the need to optimise instrument parameters.
With Bruker Daltonics's well-established Lift Tof/Tof ion optics and unique Smartbeam technology for unprecedented analytical versatility in sample types, matrices, etc, the high-performance Autoflex III and ultimate- performance Ultraflex III are the preferred Maldi systems for quantitative expression proteomics, top-down proteomics, intact protein analysis, LC- Maldi workflows and clinical proteomics.
The new Autoflex III is fully integrated into Bruker Daltonics solution packages such as ClinProt for biomarker discovery, Maldi Molecular Imager for biomarker distribution in tissue section, its Proteineer line (the 2D gel-based proteomics suite), and Proteineer LC line (the LC-based proteomics suite).
Michael Schubert, executive vice president of Bruker Daltonics, commented: "We have now implemented many of the cutting-edge technologies from our top-of-the-line ultraflex Maldi-tof/tof, like Smartbeam laser, Pan resolution over a broad mass range, and 4x sensitivity enhancements, into our compact vertical Autoflex III system to perform at the highest level.
Moreover, statistical biomarker data obtained with the Autoflex III can now be merged easily with molecular images for in-depth investigation of the spatial distribution of peptides and proteins in tissues".