Porvair Sciences Ltd has produced an application file covering their investigation of well-to- well optical cross-talk found in different microplates used for luminescence assays.
Luminescence reagents and assays have become increasingly important for drug discovery and research thanks to their high specificity, good sensitivity and ease of use.
Given the precision of photometric instruments now in use, optical well-to- well crosstalk in SBS/ANSI standard microplate design and the signal-to- noise ratio that can be achieved, has become an important consideration.
Porvair Sciences Ltd have therefore carried out a study of two solid white polystyrene shallow well microplates and compared them with their own patented design which combines white individual wells with a solid black plate matrix.
The study showed that their own design was particularly effective for determining low-level luciferase- based assays, making it ideal for screening applications and drug development.
Further information can be found be downloading the full application file from this page.