Offering excellent sound attenuation properties, Vyon porous plastic silencers from Porvair Sciences directly fit into the exhaust port of pneumatic equipment to help reduce the noise from escaping air to a safe decibel level.
A notable drawback of pneumatic equipment such as blast cleaners, drills, forging pressures and paint sprayers is the loud operating noise. Effective silencers a vital to reduce this to a safe, workabl level.
Porvair Sciences manufactures effective noise attenuation devices (silencers) to fit almost any pneumatic equipment from Vyon, a porous permeable plastic made from high density polyethylene using a proprietary powder sintering process. Each Vyon silencer is comprised of a sintered polyethylene body moulded to a high-density polyethylene adapter with British Standard Pipe (BSP) M5 connections or easy-to-use push-in connectors. Once a silencer is fitted, compressed air escapes to the atmosphere by expanding through the porous body of the device.
Vyon silencers can reduce the noise from a single unsilenced exhaust port from about 90 decibels to between 60 and 70 decibels. Noise at 90 decibels level corresponds to the noise produced by a heavy truck or underground train passing at a distance of a few feet. By comparison, 60 decibels correspond to the level of noise from a normal conversation at 3 feet distance.
Products are available in volume to pneumatic equipment manufacturers on short deliveries. Custom silencers can also be manufactured to specific configurations. Find further information at: https://www.vyonporousplastics.com/pneumatic-silencers/ or contact Porvair Sciences Ltd on +44-1978-661144 / enquiries@porvairsciences.com.