Porvair Sciences Ltd have produced an application file covering an investigation into inherent contamination in deep well microplates produced by different major manufacturers.
Extractables found in microplates produced by manufacturers throughout the world may contain long chain hydrocarbon contaminants that can cause extraneous fluorescence signals in spectroscopic work.
There is even the possibility that they could even false positives in large scale screens looking at apoptosis or stasis in whole cells.
A study carried out in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kent on behalf of Porvair Sciences Ltd showed that more than half of the sample plates were contaminated, primarily with compounds leaching from the plastic.
Porvair’s own plates were found to be extractable free whereas all others had minor or significant contamination. These results have serious implications, especially for the long-term storage of samples in organic storage.
The full application file on this important finding can be found by downloading it from this page.