Faster Class II MSC safety cabinets featuring unidirectional vertical airflow within the work chamber coupled with an air curtain at the front aperture are now available exclusively in mainland UK from Biopharma Group.
Microbiological Safety Cabinets have been adopted worldwide for use in product, personnel and environmental protection whilst handling harmful pathogenic agents.
Faster products are designed around the company’s principle that technology must protect the environment to ensure a continuing sustainable progress. To that end, their laminar-flow and microbiological safety cabinets are designed to have an ultra-low environmental impact, by utilising features such as:
- Certified ‘low pressure-drop’ H14 HEPA/ULPA filters providing up to 30% saving on power consumption.
- Electronically controlled motor-blower with automatic pressure-drop compensation
- 99% recyclable components
- Innovative technologies such as the new ECS microprocessor
- Air clean in class ISO 3 according to ISO14644-1