With a legacy of manufacturing specialised products for flammable and hazardous substance storage, Empteezy prides itself in supplying high quality solutions to manage dangerous situations appropriately and safely.
Whilst the company specialises in containment of hazardous substances and dangerous incidents, it also supplies equipment to support the clean-up and protection of the environment and life, from spill kits to industrial safety showers.
The safety shower range comes in a multitude of options to enable close placement to the high-risk area. The most popular ‘standard’ options include self-contained and mains-fed safety showers which allow a constant flow of water from a plumbed system or provide water to a remote location where a mains-fed shower isn’t an option. Alternatively, individual eye wash basins are available, including a tank-fed eye wash station which provides a constant flow of tepid water for more than 30 minutes. Eye wash basins can be added as an additional extra to a safety shower.
The unpredictability of accidents make mobility and ability to work in all climates hugely important. Empteezy’s frost-protected safety shower will operate in temperatures as low as -30°C. Internal pipework is protected by trace heating cable which helps to prevent freezing, while GRP (Glass-fibre Reinforced Plastic), jackets provide further insulation.
Each piece of equipment is built from corrosion resistant, robust materials. GRP is used to provide insulation to each tank and/or pipes, and each unit meets and exceeds ANSI & EN standards. Highly visibility makes units easy to locate in an emergency, and some models are fitted with testing levers for easier testing and maintenance.
A large list of additional extras is available on request, including pull handle activation, flexible face/body wash, gritted GRP platform, water heater, water chiller, eye wash foot treadle, flashing alarm and siren, LED Lighting. Full details can be found on the website or on request.
Find more information at Empteezy.co.uk. Alternatively, contact sales@empteezy.co.uk or 01506 430309.