Meritics supply a range of systems, designed to aid research, development and manufacturing processes in a variety of sectors. These include BET surface area analysis instruments.
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis is the multi-point measurement of an analyte’s specific surface area (m2/g) through gas adsorption analysis, where an inert gas such as nitrogen is continuously flowed over a solid sample, or the solid sample is suspended in a defined gaseous volume.
Small gas molecules adsorb to the solid substrate and its porous structures due to weak van der Waals forces, form a monolayer of adsorbed gas. The monomolecular layer, and the rate of adsorption, can be used to calculate the specific surface area of a solid sample and its porous geometry, informing studies into the reactivity and bioavailability of pharmaceutical products.
Meritics has a range of surface area analysers equipped for multi-point measurements of solid samples according to BET adsorption isotherms. The Horiba SA-9600 can measure BET surface area at a range of 0.10 to > 2,000 m2/g for intervals of just six minutes, Or the 3P Micro Series, which enables high-performance physical adsorption experiments of microporous materials, such as activated carbon, zeolites, MOFs and similar materials.
Explore the Meritics range of surface area analysers or find out more.