From humble beginnings developing software for hospital blood banks as Sanguin Ltd, Biomedical Data Solutions is celebrating four decades of providing software systems to laboratories, diagnostic companies, and instrument manufacturers throughout the world.
From its early products which helped lead to the development of blood grouping software, antenatal control system and HIV screening software, the company’s mission is still to develop exceptional software products and offer exceptional service with unparalleled technical expertise and professionalism.
Latest products include Vigilant Task Management and Vigilant Stock Management Software. Scheduled for release later this year, Vigilant Stock Management is an application for laboratories to manage their stock and reagents. It will allow users to add/update stock, create in-house reagents, validate stock before use, and remove stock for use/disposal. Laboratories will be assisted in complying with ISO15189 by its preventing the use of reagent items that have not been validated prior to first use, and departments that create their own reagent will be assisted in adhering to the same rules as manufacture-made. The application also directs users to the best item of stock to remove for use (i.e., items that are expiring first). The app’s reporting system will allow users to extract usage/wastage data from the system to better improve their efficiencies.
Vigilant Task Management Software was IBMS Congress in Birmingham last year to help labs manage l tasks electronically rather than using paper-based systems. The standards and guidelines to which laboratories need to comply often related to routine tasks completed on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. Records of such tasks are often paper-based or are contained on Excel spreadsheets. In the case of physical records, lab staff may be too distracted to complete check lists, leading to incomplete or completely missed tasks which are only noticed during audits – when it’s too late to take corrective action.
Vigilant software is designed to enable labs to schedule and manage laboratory tasks electronically and in real time removing the requirement for paper and Excel check lists. The user interface is browser based, so can be accessed from anywhere within the department, hospital or across hospital sites. It is designed to be used on mobile devices, users are clearly identifiable, and actions are time stamped so there is clear accountability and full audit trail.
Active dashboards and email alerts proactively warn users and managers if tasks are outstanding, ensuring early corrective action can be taken so tasks are recorded and never missed.
To see the Vigilant range in action, please go to https://biomedicaldatasolutions.com/content/vigilant