Lovibond targets everyday challenges of turbidity measurement, such as inaccuracies due to stray light, complicated handling, and time-consuming calibration, with its TB350 advanced portable turbidimeter, boasting unprecedented measuring range and unsurpassed accuracy.
The meter features patented Multipath 90° BLAC sensor technology for accuracy from 0.01NTU up to 4,000 NTU. Standing for Backscattered Light Absorbing Cavity, it almost eliminates unwanted stray light and provides extremely accurate results for low turbidity down to 0.01NTU. The optical system works with two 90° detectors to ensure a purely nephelometric measuring principle. During the turbidity measurement, two different path lengths of the incident light beam through the sample are exploited. Various particle sizes and shapes are detected with the highest measurement accuracy, even where the particle size distribution deviates from the calibration standard.
TB350 features intuitive colour touch screen and straightforward data management protocols for easy handling. A customised ‘Fast Settling Mode’ increases reading accuracy for large and heavy particles from 20 NTU, but especially in the high measuring range of up to 4,000 NTU. Formazin-based T-CAL primary solutions are safely sealed in airtight vials and can be used immediately.
Contact support@lovibond.uk or click here for more information.