With key topics of technical innovation, energy efficiency and lifelong learning, Cleanzone 2024 will bring together leading cleanroom suppliers from across the globe to Frankfurt am Main on 25 and 26 September.
The event is the perfect opportunity to see the latest developments and innovations in cleanroom and cleanliness technology, hygiene and contamination control. In addition to established suppliers, numerous start-ups from the fields of particle measurement, digitalisation and qualification, will also be exhibiting. The exhibitor search will be available on the Website from 3 July 2024.
Alongside exhibiting companies, the Cleanzone Conference programme address topics such as energy efficiency, digitalisation, and requirements for product and personal protection. The content of the first day has been organised by Messe Frankfurt together with the Vogel Communication Group. In his keynote speech, Gernot Dittel from Dittel Engineering will highlight what the cleanroom industry can learn from space research. Hans Eder from ZETA GmbH will demonstrate the cost-cutting potential offered by energy-efficient solutions for HVAC and utilities. And Holger Saal from Kyoobee Tech will share his knowledge of the future technology ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products).
The second day of the conference programme will be organised by the International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS). Conor Murray, Chairman of ICCCS will share insights into The Future of Contamination Control and Global Challenges in Cleanrooms for Energy Management. Matts Ramstorp will speak on Garments in future Class B cleanrooms, and Hasim Solmaz, expert and Secretary General of the ICCCS, will present the New GMP Annex 1 + Contamination Control Strategy. The detailed conference programme is available here.
Another feature of the event is the Cleanzone Award, presented in collaboration with publishing house Wiley and its publication ReinRaumTechnik. Innovations are driving the cleanroom industry forward whilst contributing to the sustainability and profitability of companies. The Cleanzone Award supports companies in their endeavours to introduce innovations to the market. Products, ideas, and innovations that help to make clean production processes more efficient and sustainable are eligible for submission to the expert jury, which will nominate up to five outstanding concepts for presentation at Cleanzone. The winner will be voted for by the public during the trade fair and presented with the 3,000€ prize. Submissions can be made until 1 July 2024.