Now available from Cropico is the Synor range of harness and cable testing systems. They are flexible enough to be set to test as few as 32 points, or up to 2000 or more points.
The Synor range of harness and cable testing systems, now available from Cropico, is flexible enough to be set to test as few as 32 points, or up to 2000 or more points.
The systems can also tackle a wide variety of testing procedures, ranging from continuity on simple cable looms to complex cable harnesses that include components such as diodes and capacitors.
The Synor testers use intuitive software which greatly simplifies configuration and operation.
They test for continuity from 10 uohm to 2000 ohm, and for two or four terminal resistance of 10 uohm to 10 Mohm, as well as Hipot tests up to 5kV ac/dc and insulation resistance up to 1 Tohm and 1000V dc.
The systems also handle functional tests and component testing of diodes, resistors capacitors and inductors.
Typical multi-point applications include train, aircraft, military vehicle, ship and automotive harnesses.
Connector manufacturers can also use the systems to fully test their products for quality and specification.