KSV Instruments, in collaboration with Nordest and the University of Genoa, presents a short course on Thin Films and Nanofabrication on 22 November 2006 at the University of Genoa
The course is aimed at scientists working on surface chemistry and nanostructured films for nanoscience.
It will cover theoretical background as well as applications and demonstration of actual instruments, ranging from contact angle devices to quartz crystal microbalance (QCM).
Innovative QCM measuring cells that allow simultaneous ellipsometric, microscopic and electrochemical studies, as well as in situ measurement on Langmuir films will be presented.
The second part of the seminar will be mainly dedicated to applications of thin film techniques and to knowledge exchange among participants both from university and industry.
The seminar will take at the department of communication, computer and system sciences, University of Genova, Via Opera Pia 13, 16145 Genoa, Italy.
For more information, please contact Pasquale Francella at Nordtest or Prof Carmelina Ruggiero before 8 November 2006.