GenVault reports that the Shafallah Genetics Medical Center (SGMC), Qatar, has purchased a Dynamic Archive biosample management system
GenVault technology will be a critical component of the centre's mission to accrue and analyse genetic material from populations throughout the Gulf region.
The research programme will work closely with the care and medical support provided to pediatric patients and their families at the centre.
The Shafallah Center, located in the capital city of Doha, provides special education, intensive physical therapy and family support services to 1000 children, including those with autism, learning disabilities and mental and physical disabilities.
In addition to these conditions, the SGMC will pursue research into genetic risk factors for diabetes and obesity.
Qatar and other Gulf states now top the world in the incidence of obesity and diabetes among their nationals.
Obesity, which has been classed as a chronic disease by the World Health Organization, affects over 50% of the nationals in the Gulf countries and 300 million worldwide.