Brookfield Engineering offers a new precise method for grading the quality of tofu and other curd products using the user-friendly, low cost LFRA texture analyser
Using the old method, a motorised stage would lift a curd sample toward a test probe.
A technician would simultaneously watch the curd sample and the mechanical pointer in an effort to determine the curd strength at the point of rupture.
Now with the LFRA texture analyser, the tofu or curd sample is placed on a test table.
At the press of a button the LFRA compresses the sample with a special curd probe (three sizes to choose from) until it ruptures.
The peak load appears in grams on the instrument's easy-to-read display eliminating guesswork and operator error.
Other typical food texture applications include: butter and cheese products, sauces, doughs and baked goods, gels, vegetables, meats, candies, yogurts and puddings.
A wide variety of probes, fittings and accessories are available for specific applications and customised components can be designed for new applications.