Increasing density of housing and advancements in home sound system technology requires increasing levels of sound insulation above the regulatory minimum standards, says Institute of Acoustics
Members of the Institute of Acoustics have been working with the UK government to advance sustainability.
The Institute therefore welcomes the announcement by Ruth Kelly MP on 13 December 2006 on the new Code for Sustainable Homes, and the inclusion of sound insulation within the new code.
The inclusion of points/credits for higher levels of sound insulation will assist towards creating more sustainable communities.
The increasing density of housing and the advancements in home entertainment sound system technology does require increasing levels of sound insulation above the regulatory minimum standards.
Previous developments under the Approved Document E (2003 with 2004 amendments) included the introduction pre-completion testing and robust details.
The new code will encourage further innovation into new products and systems which can lead to advanced levels of sound insulation for new build attached homes.
The IOA through its members whether in applied research or building acoustic consultancy will no doubt be at the forefront of advancing such new innovations.
Colin English, president of the Institute of Acoustics, says: "The Institute of Acoustics is pleased that the government chose to recognise the importance of sound insulation in modern homes and is striving to improve the quality of the environment."