QDI ImageUV imaging system enables QDI 2010 microspectrophotometer users to acquire images and spectra in transmittance, reflectance, polarisation and fluorescence from the deep UV to the NIR
Craic Technologies has released the new QDI ImageUV imaging system for the QDI 2010 microspectrophotometer.
The company says this new system represents a major step forward in the fields of microscopy and microspectroscopy in that it allows users of the QDI 2010 to acquire both images and spectra in the UV, visible and NIR regions of micron-scale samples.
"The QDI ImageUV package was developed in response to customer needs for advanced imaging solutions working seamlessly with our advanced UV-visible-NIR microspectrometers.
"Many of our customers want to be able to image deep into the UV or further into the near IR regions in fields ranging from contamination analysis and pharmaceutical research.
"The QDI ImageUV is designed to meet those needs and add to the flexibility of the QDI 2010 microspectrophotometer" says Paul Martin, president.
The QDI ImageUV solution combines hardware, optics and advanced software to enable the user to control a number of digital imaging sources from a single software package.
The software also provides a number of sophisticated image analysis routines for processing and enhancement in more advanced studies.