A scientist at Derriford Hospital (Plymouth, UK) has won Porvair Sciences's latest free prize draw for people registering online for the company's 2008 Microplate Specialists Catalogue
Interest in Porvair Sciences's latest free draw to win a Nintendo WII was intense, but the lucky winner was Robert Archer, a microbiologist with Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.
Archer is responsible for bacteriological testing of environmental health and food samples from around the south Devon area.
Protecting the public from salmonella, campylobacter, giardia and legionella depends on quick accurate identification of the pathogen in Archer's laboratory.
Presenting the prize, Porvair sales manager Steve Knight commented: "Derriford is moving to PCR and RT-PCR techniques for the determination of pathogens which would previously have taken several days to undertake and consequently its use of PCR plates has increased.
"As a major supplier of quality plates for these applications we are pleased that one of the Derriford Hospital team has won the sought-after Wii".
The Porvair 2008 Microplate Specialist Catalogue is divided into five main sections - solid phase extraction (SPE), life sciences, storage and collection, microplate equipment, and automation.
Each section includes description of the application areas covered within the section plus a quick selection guide to facilitate easy selection of the optimal microplate products for a specific application.
Detailed information is provided for all Porvair Sciences products including photograph, description, key features and benefits, technical specifications, part numbers and a web address to enable easy checking for pricing and availability.