The new Proficlave PC20 is a fully automated bench top media preparator, available from QM Solutions, designed for the rapid processing of up to 16 litres of sterile culture media
The Proficlave PC20 is equipped with a central lock for the pressure chamber, it closes six clamps simultaneously.
Easy to use software, accessed via a touch screen allows the use of up to 20 programmes.
There are options for single and double heat cycles, autoclave or heating mode.
The time delay and temperature timer functions allow agar to be ready to pour at the start of work, with a fast cool down function productivity is increased along with convenience.
The front panel houses all the control functions and also provides the parameter printout.
The PC20 comes complete with a stainless steel cuvette, built in pressure pump to prevent flash boiling, high strength magnetic stirrer, sterile filter for pressurisation and easy vessel access.
The unique pressure correction adjusts the boiling point relative to ambient pressure and optimise's deaeration, 16L of agar is ready for pouring within 75 minutes.