EuroSciCon's 'Returning to science - is it all compromise?' meeting on 7 November 2008 is for women who have taken a career break and wish to return to science
The meeting will be chaired by Maureen Cooper, former director, Scottish Resource Centre for Women in SET, Napier University, Edinburgh.
Topics under discussion include many of the issues of returning to work after a career break such as advice on grants for returners, can you progress in a part time position?, best interview and CV techniques and your rights as a parent and scientist.
Speakers include: Veronica Benson (Oxford Women's Training, UK), Sara Shinton, (Shinton Consulting, UK), Katie Perry (the Daphne Jackson Trust, UK), Pia Ostergaard (St Georges Medical School, UK).
The deadline for early registration is July 20th 2008 but there are five places available for only ?99 each on a first-come-first-served basis.