Bruker AXS will present its TRACERturboSD, a handheld X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument with a silicon drift detector (SDD), at the Stainless Steel World Conference in Texas, 9-10 September.
The TRACERturboSD with integrated SDD offers speed, sensitivity and energy resolution that has previously only been found in more expensive lab systems.
The improved SDD energy resolution offers gain in specificity and information content.
In the aerospace industry, for example, the Bruker SDD technology enables TRACERturboSD users to analyse sophisticated light alloys, such as aluminum, without the use of a vacuum or helium attachment.
In metals analysis and fabrication markets, the TRACERturboSD offers higher speed, sensitivity and selectivity for demanding handheld XRF applications.
Bruker AXS will continue to offer its S1 Tracer handheld instrument with SiPIN diode technology for routine analysis.
The joint Bruker-NASA vacuum technology can be combined with the SDD for light-element sensitivity in a high-performance handheld XRF instrument.
Bruker will also exhibit the new handheld SDD instrument at Fabtech 2008, 6-8 October in Las Vegas.